Thursday, December 13, 2012
Has the 'Justice League' storyline been revealed?
I don't read as many DC comics as I used to, but one of my favorite annual events is the team-up between the Justice League and the Justice Society of America. They've been doing it for decades, and in general they produce really big, interesting stories using the most powerful villains around. One of the most well-known of those crossovers stories was back in 1980, a three-issue arc running through Justice League of America #'s 183-185 that saw Darkseid facing down the combined might of both teams. If the recent reports by Latino Review turn out to be true, then it may also be the storyline used for Warner Bros.' Justice League film.
You might recall that last week a rumor surfaced that Darkseid would be the movie's villain, so if Latino Review's reporting is accurate(in both cases, as they broke both stories) then this would make total sense. It's one of Darkseid's earliest appearances that establishes the true measure of his abilities, as he plots to destroy Earth and replace it with his homeworld, Apokolips. Gerry Conway wrote the story, and it featured gorgeous pencils from the great George Perez. Apparently this will be the story screenwriter Will Beall is drawing his inspiration from.
Not a bad chance, really, and has the sort of grand scale something like Justice League would require. So just add this to the pile of possibilities right alongside Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Batman, crossing over with Man of Steel, Lobo making a cameo, etc. etc.