Saturday, January 5, 2013
Six new clips from 'Gangster Squad'
I've made no secret of my lack of confidence in Gangster Squad to be any good. There's a large part of me that thinks Warner Bros. was so quick to bump the film from a prime September slot down to the scrap heap of January because the film wouldn't have been able to live up the promise of its talented cast. As terrible as this may sound, the tragic events in Colorado simply gave them cover to make the move. We'll be screening the film on Monday, so answers will be had soon, but for now six new clips have gone online which are tonally all over the place.
Directed by Zombieland's Ruben Fleischer, it looks like he wants the film to be both an authentic 1940s gangster piece, but also kind of silly. Sean Penn and Emma Stone seem to be doing caricatures of what they think someone of the era sounds like, while Ryan Gosling's voice is just plain weird. What's he doing? But then it's also extremely violent and gritty, despite the strangely vibrant color palette. Tough to nail down exactly what Fleischer is aiming for here.
Its doubtful the film will be completely horrible, especially with a supporting cast that includes Josh Brolin, Nick Nolte, Anthony Mackie, Giovanni Ribisi, and Michael Pena, but it may not be all that we were hoping for. Gangster Squad arrives on January 11th....
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