Looking to rebound from the harsh treatment his Sucker Punch received a couple of years ago, Zack Snyder is doubling up on his chances for a summer hit. This season he has two films that appear to be going in vastly different directions in Man of Steel and 300: Rise of an Empire, and new posters have arrived for them both.
First up is Man of Steel, which everyone and their mother has high hopes for since it will largely decide the fate of Warner Bros. future superhero endeavors. Snyder is directing, with guidance by none other than Christopher Nolan, and in general the marketing for this one has followed the same approach taken with The Dark Knight trilogy. Starring Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, and Antje Traue, Man of Steel arrives on June 14th.
And then there's 300: Rise of an Empire, which Snyder co-wrote and is producing based on Frank Miller's graphic novel, Xerxes. The "sequel", which mostly runs side-by-side with the events of 300, is directed by Noam Murro. The images give us a better look at star Sullivan Stapleton as Themistokles, and the gorgeous Eva Green as Artemisia, the naval commander to Persian ruler, Xerxes, portrayed by the returning Rodrigo Santoro. Look for the film to slash its way into theaters on August 2nd.