Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Punch Drunk DVDs

Gangster Squad:
Just a disclaimer, I have a soft spot for 40's-50's LA cop stories...rare to come across one I haven't liked, I'm in the minority as far as fans of this flick. While it's not the best of the bunch it's certainly watchable and I'd say alot of fun. Ryan Gosling as a loose canon cop (and for this group that's saying something), Sean Penn as notorious LA mob boss Mickey Cohen, and Emma Stone furthering her transition from cute and nerdy to hot and flirty.


A Haunted House:
I also have a soft spot for spoof comedy but even with that A Haunted House won't get even a passing recommendation from me. It sucks because a good spoof takes intelligence, creativity, and originality all traits the Wayans brothers have demonstrated at at least one point in their respective careers. They have it in them, they just left it at home this time around. Some of the laziest, overused, unfunny material I've seen. Sometimes I wonder why people don't understand that releasing a super-crap movie is more detrimental to your career and bank account than just eating the cost of it and burning the negatives.


The Impossible:
Centered around the 2004 Tsunami The Impossible is not light viewing, if you want to turn your emotions off this is not the film for you. A story of the horrible things that happen in this world and the wonderful spirt of the human race that shows it's face in the darkest hours of our world. A great movie, re-watchability may be an issue so even though I'm recommending you buy it, you'll want to gauge whether you enjoy watching films like this more than once, if not definitely rent at a minimum.


Promised Land:
This one may have flown under your radar...for a Matt Damon flick there really wasn't a ton of marketing. Damon stars as a salesman for a gas company that wants to tap into the resources of a small town. As you may expect he has some thought changing experiences  definitely one of those uncaring company man turns it around type of movies, as you would guess from Damon in the lead it's alot more deep than I just gave it credit for. John Krasinski and Frances McDormand co-star.


Jurassic Park 3D:
Why am I writing about the re-release of a 20 year old nuveao-classic in 3D? Very simple, home 3D is what theater 3D hopes to be but will never reach. Why? It's all in the glasses, the battery powered 3D glasses you get at home sync with the screen flicker making the 3D more immersive, a theater will never fiscally allow $100 3D glasses into the hands of a customer for less than $50 a ticket. Top Gun 3D changed my mindset on 3D, it really is a totally new experience  This is undoubtedly what you will get when you return to Isla Nublar in the the third dimension.