Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Rumor: 'Star Wars: Episode VII' to Follow Han and Leia's Children

The prevailing rumor regarding Star Wars: Episode VII is that it will somehow involve the children of Luke, Han, and Leia, training in the ways of the Force and becoming powerful Jedi warriors. Last fall  a story emerged, and was quickly rejected, that we would see Luke building a Jedi Academy. A similar suggestion would pop up a few months later, and there really hasn't been anything to refute it outright. Because of that it's not really a surprise that another rumor has surfaced which "confirms" that the children of Han and Leia will be at the center of the story.

A source over at Schmoes Know (already shaky, isn't it?) claim to have received a casting notice for 'Episode VII', which not only spills plot details but goes on to describe the two child leads...

Storyline: Two 17 year old twins, a girl and a boy, are trained by their uncle Luke to be the greatest Jedi’s in the galaxy. Problems arise when the male twin turns to the dark side.
 Jaina Solo – Female, 17 years old, lead. – Jacen’s twin sister, one of the greatest Jedi’s in the galaxy, trained by her uncle Luke Skywalker
 Jacen Solo – Male, 17 years old, lead – Jaina’s twin brother, one of the greatest Jedi’s in the world. A loner who is constantly struggling with the idea of what’s right and what’s wrong. Starts to turn to the dark side. Full of conviction that what he is doing is the “right thing”. Will eventually become Darth Caedus.

So how legit might this whole thing be? Well, it could be true because this exact scenario has been floating around for months. But at the same time, that's kind of the reason why this might be a crock of shit.  This casting call sheet doesn't read as authentic in the least. For one thing, it gives away far too much in the way of story information. That bit about Jacen eventually becoming Darth Caedus would never be included, especially not in a film directed by the ultra-secretive J.J. Abrams.  Plus,  the story seems to be taken directly from the Legacy of the Force series, when screenwriter Michael Arndt's script isn't based on any of the novels. Would Abrams, who specializes in doing things his own way, really attached himself to what would essentially be an adaptation? Probably not.

This sounds like a site trying to take credit for breaking a story that is likely to occur close to their description. Toss another Star Wars rumor onto the growing pile and let's just wait and see what turns out. With production to begin early next year we should know more long before then, but not until Abrams is good and ready to reveal it.


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