Sunday, July 21, 2013

Comic-Con: Trailer for the rest of season six of "True Blood" teases the end

It's kind of bizarre to realize that we're already halfway through season six of True Blood, no? I mentioned the same amazement in my recap this past Sunday, and wondered how the final five episodes of the season will play out (and, in case you didn't know already, True Blood did get renewed by HBO for a seventh season). Will Eric and Pam really have to fight each other? Will Bill find a way to synthesize Warlow's blood? Will Jason save Jessica? Will Sookie ever realize that maybe she should just LEAVE BON TEMPS ALREADY? So many questions.

And, we might be getting some answers in this trailer, shown during the True Blood panel at Comic-Con yesterday, which shows Alcide and Rikki trying to kill Nicole and Sam, Jason infiltrating Vamp Camp, and Sookie ... maybe sucking Warlow's blood? I don't know, guys. It certainly looks like that.

For the trailer, click through! And don't forget to come back and read my recap of tonight's True Blood tomorrow morning. It's the best way to start your Monday.


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