Saturday, July 20, 2013

Comic-Con: Will Cable Be the Leader in the 'X-Force' Movie?

The 20th Century Fox panel begins at Comic-Con later today, and there are expected to be a number of announcements, some of which may revolve around an expanded X-men universe. The opening salvo appears to be X-force, which has Kick-Ass 2 director Jeff Wadlow penning and possibly at the helm, but what we don't know is which version of the team he favors. While at Comic-Con, Cinemablend caught up with Wadlow and asked him a few questions, and his answers seem to suggest that the team's usual leader, Nathan "Cable" Summers, may not be involved....

Wadlow: "Here’s the thing, I love the current run of Uncanny X-Force. I love the classic run. Part of my take was addressing this idea that X-Force can be many different things, and that’s what got the studio excited. I think the fans will be excited, too."

He also revealed that the script is pretty far along for a project that was only recently announced...

Wadlow: "I’m pretty deep into it… I have the whole story completely worked out. I’m about 20 pages into my draft. If I wasn’t promoting Kick-Ass, I would probably have a draft [already], but Kick-Ass is going to slow me down just a little."

Cable has been the leader for much of X-force's many runs, and leads one of two versions of the team right now. But others have featured leaders who we know are currently part of the X-men 'movieverse, such as Wolverine and Storm. That may be the easiest approach for Wadlow to take, rather than introducing a complicated character like Cable. [via BleedingCool]


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