Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sigourney Weaver, Ben Kingsley, Aaron Paul, and John Turturro Join Ridley Scott's 'Exodus'

It's never easy to predict where Ben Kingsley will turn up next or what role he'll undertake. He's such a chameleon that he could do pretty much anything. Already this year he's played a supervillain in Iron Man 3 and a terrorist in the festival award-winning drama A Common Man, and soon he'll be a futuristic war hero in Ender's Game. But for his next role he's going to get downright Biblical in Ridley Scott's Exodus, and he's bringing along a few friends.

Kingsley, Sigourney Weaver, John Turturro and Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul will join the Biblical epic, which has Christian Bale as Moses and Joel Edgerton as Egyptian pharaoh Ramses. Steve Zaillian wrote the most recent script, which is said to explore the sibling-like relationship between the two, which got worse once Moses began leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Weaver, getting a chance to reteam with her Aliens director, will play Ramses' mother, while Tuturro is his father. Kingsley is a Hebrew scholar and, interestingly, Paul will be Joshua, the slave who leads the people into the promised land of Canaan after Moses' death.

So yeah, that casting is pretty much coming out of left field. Exodus hits theaters on December 12th 2014.


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