Tuesday, November 12, 2013

'The Cabin in the Woods' Writer Drew Goddard to Pen Marvel's 'Daredevil' Netflix Series

Disney/Marvel know not to break what isn't broken.  To say they've had a lot of success working with Joss Whedon would be an understatement, and he's basically overseeing their entire superhero line as it moves from the big screen, to TV, and now digital distribution through the multiple Netflix shows they have cooking. The first out of the gate will be a Daredevil series, and Marvel have chose one of Whedon's closest confidants to pen The Man Without Fear's adventures.

Drew Goddard, who co-wrote The Cabin in the Woods with Whedon, will pen Marvel's Daredevil series for Netflix. Goddard's association with Whedon stretches back to his writing episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, and during that time it's likely the two of them talked about their favorite Daredevil comics runs.  Over the summer while doing press for World War Z (which he did scriptwork on), Goddard talked with Collider about his passion for the Daredevil character....

“You’re talking to a guy who had quotes from Daredevil painted on his wall while growing up. Even when I was 18, I still had the blood red door with the, ‘I have shown him that a man without hope is a man without fear.’ That was what I loved and so it’s the sort of thing that if we can find the right project, I would love to do it.”

Daredevil is the first of four 13-episode series debuting for Marvel in 2016, with Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage to follow. They will eventually culminate in a miniseries titled The Defenders. [TheWrap]


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