Marvel's domination over all forms of media is now complete. A couple of weeks ago a story emerged that
Marvel Studios and Disney were shopping around a package of four TV series and a miniseries to cable and digital streaming networks. It didn't take long for them to find a buyer, either, as a deal has now been struck with Netlix to stream the Marvel Universe right into your home.

The ambitious plan has Marvel producing four 13-episodes series, and the most awesome thing about it is they involve characters we've been expecting to see on the big screen forever. The first series will center on the newly-acquired
Daredevil. Next up is
Jessica Jones, who in the Marvel comics is a former superhero-turned-detective. She's also married to
Luke Cage aka Power Man, who is next up to get his own series, which will then be followed up by his pal,
Iron Fist. All of this will culminate in an epic miniseries titled
The Defenders.

It's a pretty shrewd move for Marvel, and as long as they find a way to make each series capable of standing on their own, there should be no risk of fans experiencing superhero fatigue. This also gives Marvel the chance to do go in some darker directions than they may have been able to on public television or in the movies. For instance, Jessica Jones' comic series
Alias (one of the best written comics ever, IMHO)
explored some of Marvel's nastiest corners and dug into the personal lives of heroes in ways that would potentially turn off general audiences looking for something less weighty. And let's be honest, we all just hope they turn out better than
Agents of SHIELD, right?
So what do you think? Is this a good idea? Which show are you looking forward to most?
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