Thursday, November 7, 2013

"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." Debrief: Episode 1.06, "F.Z.Z.T."

 Ok trill believers we back up in this right here with this debrief but instead of really going through a full recap let’s just get down to the issues with this show.  See, the episode is weird because they basically split the episode into two parts, part one is an X-files plot about how these random guys are dying from some type of electrical/gravitational means. All the team finds are their bodies floating until the energy is discharged. So the team starts to investigate all of this as more people die and they think it might be another super powered person, and faux science is thrown around by the nerds of the team, Fitz and Jemma.

So see the show gets you really into this right away and when they get to point where really the climax of the “what’s killing these random men” at the halfway point of the episode. It’s explained as these firemen from New York City all have interacted with a Chitauri helmet from the Battle of New York. Somehow the helmet contains a virus that cause people to absorb energy to a point where it overloads the person and it moves to a new person. Coulson has this scene, all the stuff is cleaned up, and things are hashed out but is the episode over? NO.

Now we have like a half an hour of melodrama as we learn Jemma caught the virus. So it’s a bunch of wasted time as people are sad about the situation with Jemma. So instead of actually structuring this well with having Jemma get the virus  while they were investigating they decided to make an episode feel like two episodes of the Agents of SHIELD cartoon  that’s back to back or something. Along with that they completely and utterly brushing away what Skye did in regards to how the team and the rest of SHIELD treat her is really aggravating. Why is she there and not locked up? Why is Coulson telling Ward to just let it go?

For a show about a super spy organization it sure lacks something majorly needed, and that is tension. I sat down and watched the last ten minutes where a character opened a cargo bay of huge airplane and just stood there like a person on a hill on a windy day and just jump out of plane. Why? How are you going to do that here and in the second episode when a hole is in the side of the plane almost all the people were sucked out? THAT WAS JUST FOUR EPISODES AGO! Ok I’m done yelling. Jemma was saved by her own smarts and support of her team. Skye is happy because Jemma isn’t dead and Fitz and Jemma are looking closer to being a cute tragic couple of unspoken love. Oh and during all that Coulson maybe has gotten over being dead. Kind of like Buffy at the end of season 6.

Did You Know:

The Chitauri helmet plot connects of course to The Avengers since those were all the nameless grunts that attacked but it also connected to the short on the Blu Ray/DVD Item 47 because of the character of Agent Blake who runs the Sandbox where a lot of the Battle for NY alien tech is kept. I learned that from twitter because I don’t own The Avengers on disc. Why? It’s on Netflix.

Ok see you all next week and sorry for the late post.


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