Saturday, November 9, 2013

Spidey's a Firefighter in New 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' Images

Lost in all the Marvel, DC, and even X-men news is The Amazing Spider-Man 2, which we haven't really seen much of lately. All of the Sinister Six rumors have quieted a little bit, and probably won't kick back up until the trailer arrives next month ahead of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. But fortunately we do have a few new images, courtesy of The Times of India, one of which is pretty hilarious.

One photos gives us another look at the blue-hued Jamie Foxx as Electro, while another is a quiet moment between Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) and Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone), probably one of the few they'll share with so many villains running around. The other one, which is just begging for a comedy caption, has Spidey donning a firefighter hat and battling a blaze. Expect Sony to release the "Firefighter Spidey" action figure some time this winter.

Directed by Marc Webb, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 swings into theaters May 2nd 2014.


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