Thursday, February 6, 2014

'Guardians of the Galaxy 2' to Face 'Batman vs. Superman' in 2016?

When delays forced Warner Bros. to bump Batman vs. Superman from 2015 and into 2016, they didn't just choose some random day out of a hat. Instead they made the somewhat aggressive move of choosing May 6th 2016, a date slotted by Marvel for one of their mystery Phase 3 films. While it would be cool to see how a Captain America or Thor sequel would fare against DC's heavyweight flick, a rumor has surfaced that it may be Marvel's new team of intergalactic heroes the Guardians of the Galaxy who get that shot.

According to Joblo, Marvel is readying Guardians of the Galaxy 2 for May 6th 2016, although a clarification from them says it may be another date in that that year. If true, it would show a ton of confidence in James Gunn's quirky film, which has no A-list heroes or much in the way of bankable actors. Then again, Marvel has probably gauged the incredible reaction to every piece of footage and knows they have a potential smash hit on their hands. They're already developing a 'Guardians' animated series which should be ready by fall 2015.

All of this could be contingent on Guardians of the Galaxy taking off big when it opens August 1st.


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