Monday, March 24, 2014

'Prometheus 2' Gets New Writer and 2016 Release Date; May Feature Multiple Fassbenders

When 20th Century Fox recently announced a "mystery" Ridley Scott film for March 4th 2016, the early speculation was that it could be for the Prometheus sequel. Jack Paglen (Transcendence) had been hired to begin work on a script some time ago, and now as a new writer comes aboard and the release date is apparently confirmed, some very interesting plot details are emerging.

The Wrap reports Michael Green has been hired to rewrite the screenplay, which Scott plans to shoot this fall to hit that 2016 date. Green is familiar to Scott as he's penning the new Blade Runner movie which is coming up at some point. He also wrote Green Lantern and is working on the Gotham TV series.

The tone the film is said to be more in line with 1979's Alien, meaning it will be darker and creepier. Also it's said to include multiple versions of the android David, seemingly confirming Michael Fassbender's return and promising we'll see more of him than before.  It's also expected to have a different title than Prometheus 2 by the time March 2016 comes around.

If earlier rumors hold true, this Prometheus will connect to the original movies more cleanly.


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