Monday, March 24, 2014

Corey Stoll Joins Marvel's 'Ant-Man' in Unknown Role

There has been a lot of secrecy surrounding the cast of Marvel's Ant-Man. While we know Michael Douglas and Paul Rudd will play Hank Pym and Scott Lang, two characters who have donned the Ant-Man helmet, less certain are the roles for Patrick Wilson, Evangeline Lily, and Michael Pena. Now as House of Cards actor Corey Stoll is coming aboard, his role is also being kept under wraps.

Variety has the news, reporting Stoll is in talks for the Edgar Wright-directed superhero film which is due to begin production soon. Wright and Joe Cornish co-wrote the script which is based loosely on the "To Steal an Ant-Man" storyline from the comics. Stoll was recently seen in Non-Stop opposite Liam Neeson, and played Ernest Hemingway in Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris.

Ant-Man kicks off Marvel's "Phase Three" on July 17th 2015.


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