Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Debrief: Episode 1.17, "Turn, Turn,Turn" ...hail hydra tho

Aw man you guys ready for this recap! YOU HYPED UP! You saw Captain America: The Winter Solider and then tuned in last night for Agents of SHIELD because #ITSALLCONNECTED right! Well I watched it and I was just whelmed. Was it because I’m not basking in the Cap 2 afterglow like everyone else? Is it because Game of Thrones came back on this past Sunday and it was pure lava? Or was it that maybe the episode was a bit too easy to figure out and a bit late to have a seriously interesting direction to the show. Here’s the point where some of you call me a hater (even Travis) but hear me out as we go through the events of the episode.

Real talk even though I haven’t seen the movie the show spoils events in Captain America: The Winter Solider so read on at your own risk.

Turn, Turn, Turn starts off exactly where Beginning of the End ended with Coulson and Skye holding May at gunpoint with Fitz locked in the lab room. At the same time Garrett is flying along in his super-fast SHIELD jet is then attacked by some SHIELD drones sent from The Hub by Agent Hand. It also seems that Agent Hand is convinced that Coulson and crew are Hydra. Hand feels that only the agents she trusts with her are down for the cause and everyone else is possible enemy. Basically I think this episode is happening concurrently with the film. Agent Triplett and Simmons are basically stuck in the Hub trying to get back in contact with Fitz on the Bus.  On the Bus Coulson has completely lost all trust in May and when Garrett finds a way to get a SOS to the Bus he ices May (stun blast) and proceed along with Fitz and Skye to help save Garrett from the drones. The whole first 15-20 minutes is very fast paced and tight still not 24 level of tense though. With Garrett no attaching his plane to the Bus Race Banon style he and Coulson share info and ideas about who they think the Clairvoyant plus they get this encoded message on their computer screen about Hydra coming out like Diana Ross.

Around the same time Simmons ends up contacting the SHIELD school we saw earlier during the episode Seeds. Agent Weaver appears before Simmons in hologram and tells Simmons that Hydra done took over and to not trust anyone and to lock the door and hide. No lie the scene reminded me of a scene in another Whedon thing, Serenity when they learned about the birth of reavers but I digress. Triplett then goes ahead and locks the door with Simmons now being a bit shook he gives her his knife saying that if she tries to kill him then he knows she’s Hydra. Hand and her group ends up getting into that room and capturing Triplett and Simmons telling them she’s Hydra to test them. When the past Hand tells them that she thinks Coulson is Hydra and that they must take Coulson out. Coulson splits up the team to have Ward and Skye go take out the computers with Coulson and Garrett going to go after Hand.

While teamed up with Garrett they have a conversation about killing Agent Hand and once Coulson disagrees he notices that Garrett knows some things that he shouldn’t. At that point Coulson and the handcuffed not trusted anymore Agent May figure out that Garrett is the Clairvoyant!

Some SHIELD swat guys come in and at one point to get them and then Garrett is like…

And like half the squad shoot the other guys and Garrett is all like Bond villain now. He goes on to talk about why being bad is good and stuff and says how Coulson is going to die and May is going to die and that Fitz (yeah my bad Fitz is there too) basically going to be a Hydra science slave. Fitz crying tears of anger says he’s going to make Garrett pay which make Garrett give him the best you ain’t bout that life laugh of the whole series.  Ward and Skye have a heart to heart kiss and really was the slowest part of the episode that then goes to Ward fighting a group of SHIELD guys on some Double Dragon style wrecking. Ward comes out scathed, bruises and cuts looks all heroic and then they set bombs up all over the area and blows them.

Fisticuffs happen between Team Coulson and Them Hydra boys with Fitz hiding under a desk and May smashing faces with Coulson fighting the big bad. Fitz gets his first body saving May who was about to got from behind and Coulson overpowers Garrett as Hand and her crew comes in.  Hand and Coulson reconcile as they find out the end of the Cap 2 like everyone else. Hand decides to go to the fridge and leaves the Hub to Coulson with them being possibly the last two remaining highest ranking SHIELD agents. Ward is told his Garrett is the Clairvoyant and Hydra so he goes with Hand on the transport to the fridge. The rest of the Team helps Coulson fix the Bus with Coulson still being mad at May (who was talking to Fury on that special phone line).

Here’s the kicker part; on the plane with Hand she offers Ward a chance to kill the right Clairvoyant and he takes her firearm and then goes and kills the other guards and shoots Agent Hand a ton of times. These guys just bodied the best character yet Skye still lives.  There we have it; Ward was the traitor in the group.

Did You Know:
That this whole episode takes place during the Winter Soldier movie? Not a lot of real serious Easter eggs from comic but more from the new movie. I don’t know if it helped their ratings or DVR views but to me it’s a little too late to ramp up stuff like this when it should’ve been happening at the halfway point. I have a theory on all of this MCU stuff but I need to wait to see the last episodes.


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