Monday, April 7, 2014

Does Nathan Fillion Have a Cameo in 'Guardians of the Galaxy'?

While there was a groundswell of fan support for Nathan Fillion to take the lead role in Ant-Man, that never materialized. However, they may have a chance to see him another Marvel film, one that actually makes the most sense; James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy.

Comic-Con hit St. Louis recently, and during a Firefly panel Fillion was asked if he wanted a role in the film, considering his past working with Gunn on Slither and Super. Fillion's response has been blowing up the Internet ever since....

Fillion: "[Want] to get a part? Or maybe did. I'm just saying maybe. Maybe it'll be a surprise. Maybe check the credits of the movie when you watch it."

It would make sense for more than the connection to Gunn. The tone of Guardians of the Galaxy, the sort of space Western feel of it, is certainly reminiscent of Firefly. Fillion would fit right in, and assuming he's being honest let's hope he's playing a character with a chance to return. [Hypable]


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