Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Couple of Old Guys Say Aquaman was in 'Man of Steel' Saving Superman

Was Aquaman in Man of Steel saving Superman's life? That's the claim being made by The Wrap's Jeff Sneider, sorta, after eavesdropping on a conversation by a couple of older gentleman at a TIFF luncheon. Those guys turned out to be Warner Bros. execs, he says, and they were apparently having quite the discussion about Aquaman's introduction and upcoming appearance in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

If you can stand to listen to the Meet the Movie Press Podcast, Sneider recaps the fortunate turn of events there. But basically it goes that the two guys say Aquaman will be a “buff Hawaiian guy with tribal tattoos". That sounds a lot like Jason Momoa, which leads me to think the two guys were describing Jason Momoa and not Aquaman, but I wasn't there and can't say. As for how the King of Atlantis fit into Man of Steel, it's during the scene when Superman saves workers on a fiery, collapsing oil rig. He splashes down into the water, loses consciousness, and wakes up staring at whales swimming overhead. Those big blue mammals were sent by Aquaman to rescue Supes from a water demise. This makes a lot more sense than Aquaman being pissed over the ocean damage caused by Zod's World Engine.

So assuming this is true, it could mean that Superman and Aquaman aren't total strangers and that Zack Snyder has been setting this up since the beginning. Pretty cool, but again that assumes this is true. And some sites are saying this shouldn't be considered a rumor because industry types always run their mouths at festivals, but I think it's absolutely a rumor because....wait for it....industry types always run their mouths at festivals.  I've attended enough to know how many of them are, and they like to hear themselves talk. Undoubtedly Sneider, who is a very respected journalist, overheard these guys but that doesn't make what they had to say legit.

Just keep this under your hat for now. Might be true, might not. 


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