Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Could Spider-Man be Headed to Marvel's Cinematic Universe?

For Marvel, it must be galling to see 20th Century Fox and Sony making hundreds of millions of dollars using their biggest comic book characters, the X-men and Spider-Man.  The film rights were sold to the studios years ago during a time of financial instability, and Marvel has regretted it ever since. And lately we've seen them taking a few shots across the bow to express their displeasure over the situation.They aren't helping to promote either Disney's Big Hero 6 or Fox's Fantastic Four reboot at all, taking some extreme steps in the process. But those are smaller properties, and now according to Hitfix their may be some attempt by Marvel to bring Spider-Man back into the fold in some way. Here's the relative portion of the story...

"While I can't get the confirmations I need to verify the story, I'm hearing that there are some very cool "Spider-Man" plans being discussed that would help Sony refocus their enormously important franchise while also opening up some connections in the onscreen Marvel movie universe that would blow fandom's minds. Will it work out? I don't know. I would love to be able to state for sure that it's happening. What seems clear from what I've heard is that Marvel wants to be able to play with all of their characters, and if they can make that work creatively and on a corporate level, they will, and that means the world gets bigger again."

Some are speculating that Marvel wants Spidey so they can bring massive storylines like Civil War and Secret War to the big screen, but you don't really need him for either of those. I think this is just Marvel trying to exert some control over one of their most popular characters again, and if it leads in some way to them regaining the rights back in full then this is a way to "break bread" with Sony, in a sense.  Besides, Sony has completely mucked up their Spidey franchise and maybe looking at a way to revitalize it in some way.

Ultimately what every fan wants is for Marvel to be able to play with all of the toys in their toy box, giving us a chance to see Spider-Man fighting alongside the Avengers. Just from a financial standpoint it would be a complicated contractual and legal mess, but it doesn't sound completely out of the realm of possibility.


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