Monday, October 6, 2014

Even Robin Hood is getting an Avengers-Style Cinematic Universe

Yeah, this is getting pretty ridiculous how studios are simply aping Marvel's concept of a shared cinematic universe. It was expected and inevitable given their success, but if you thought it was silly that Universal wanted to take the approach for a bunch of classic movie monsters, just take a gander at what Sony Pictures is planning with Robin Hood.

Sony picked up a pitch for a new, action-packed reimagining of Robin Hood from Cory Goodman (Priest) and Jeremy Lott (Lore) that is said to be in the vein of Mission: Impossible and Fast & Furious. Because of course. Titled Hood, the film will be a part of a shared universe with Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men at the center, with the possibility of solo spinoffs down the road. Anybody aching for that Friar Tuck solo movie? Show of hands?

The last major Robin Hood movie was led by Ridley Scott and starred Russell Crowe in a film that looked like medieval  Gladiator. Critics mostly bashed it but it did earn north of $300M so obviously audiences still dig the whole "steal from the rich, give to the poor" conceit. Maybe Sony figures audiences just love archery right now. Hawkeye, Arrow, Brave, Robin Hood...what do they have in common? Arrows. This sounds seriously terrible, but more than that it's just kind of sad that all a studio needs to hear is the phrase "shared universe" and they'll plunk down a hefty sum. Sony spent over $1M against $2M for this pitch so they're going to make sure this movie happens whether it's a good idea or not.   [THR]


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