Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ridley Scott won't Direct 'Blade Runner 2'

We've known for awhile that Ridley Scott was looking to toy around with another of his sci-fi classics, only this time it would be Blade Runner rather than Alien. While some may not have been feeling how Prometheus turned out (you're getting a sequel anyway!), a Blade Runner follow-up does hold a certain amount of promise if only because it won't have an entire franchise to navigate. Scott has been dodgy on whether he'd direct, but as the pieces are starting to come together he's now confirming someone else will take the reins.

Speaking with Variety, Scott said he'll be in a producer role for Blade Runner 2 but wouldn't reveal who would direct. He will be working closely with Hampton Fancher on the screenplay, though...

Scott: “We talked at length about what it could be, and came up with a pretty strong three-act storyline, and it all makes sense in terms of how it relates to the first one."

Harrison Ford previously confirmed his return as Rick Deckard, and Scott spills a small spoiler on the character's specific part to play...

Scott: “Harrison is very much part of this one. But it’s really about finding him. He comes in in the third act.”

A director will need to be announced soon as production is expected to begin next year. 


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