Friday, December 12, 2014

Chris Hemsworth Takes On Cybercrime in Trailer for Michael Mann's 'Blackhat'

Internet hacking has been a popular discussion lately, what with Sony in the midst of one of the worst (and embarrassing) scandals in recent memory. And while we can't help but laugh at some of the stuff that has been exposed, it's important to remember that cybercrime is a serious deal, one that Michael Mann hopes will make for a pretty good thriller with Blackhat.

Starring Chris Hemsworth, Viola Davis, and Tang Wei, Blackhat follows a convict recruited by American and Chinese agents to help take down a global cyber-terrorist. Mann's been building this one for a long time, digging deep into the history of cybercrime and the tactics used to combat it, and that level of research is apparent in this newly-released trailer.

Blackhat logs in on January 16th 2015.


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