Wednesday, January 14, 2015

That 'Men in Black/21 Jump Street' Crossover Still Might Be a Thing

It seems like only yesterday that the Internet community, and Hollywood as a whole, were knee deep in the Sony hacking scandal, when the company's most private emails were leaked all over place for us to see. Among those were various bits of news that sounded pretty unlikely, but were never exactly written off by anybody at Sony. One was the ongoing talks between Marvel and Sony over Spider-Man, which may end up happening now, and the other was a potential 21 Jump Street crossover with Men in Black. It sounded crazy, and talk about it cooled pretty quickly, but apparently the idea has some key people very interested.

While at the Golden Globes speaking with MTV, 'Jump Street' co-director Phil Lord said the plan is still sorta on the table while acknowledging how wild the whole thing would be...

Lord: "Nothing's changed. It’s still a crazy idea, and we only do things that seem like they’re going to be terrible. We’re really focusing on what’s a great story for Schmidt and Jenko and how to tell the next chapter in their lives. And perhaps use creatures from another world at the same time.”

His directing partner Chris Miller wasn't so sure, adding “We’re developing a lot of things. And they may or may not all happen, but that’s how the business works.”

So how would that work, exactly? Would Jenko and Schmidt get transported into the far flung future? The creative logistics of it just don't seem to make much sense. While the 'Jump Street' movies are silly, are they silly enough to become part of a sci-fi comedy? Probably not. But then you never know, it just might be insane enough to work.


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