If timing is everything then we've got it all. This morning Marion Cotillard was nominated for an Academy Award for her performance in the film Two Days, One Night. This evening we have 5 admit-two passes to give away to that very same movie! I just need to know one thing, what has been your favorite performance of hers thus far? Send your answer to punchdrunkcritics@gmail.com for your chance to win, we'll be accepting entries until Sunday night at 6PM so get yours in now!
For the first time, the Dardenne Brothers have teamed with a major international star, Academy Award ® winner Marion Cotillard, and the result is another masterwork of humanism. Sandra (Cotillard) has just returned to work after recovering from an illness. Realizing that the company can operate with one less employee, management tells Sandra she is to be let go while the remaining employees will each receive a bonus. Over the course of a weekend, Sandra, often with the help of her loving husband (Fabio Rongione), races against time to convince each of her fellow co-workers to sacrifice their much-needed bonuses in order for her to keep her job. With each encounter, Sandra is brought into a different world with unexpected results while her fate hangs in the balance. The Dardennes have brought an extremely relevant social inquiry and turned it into a powerful statement on community solidarity.
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