Friday, June 3, 2011

30 Day Film Challenge Day 20: Your Favorite Romantic Film

Although there are sci-fi elements around the edges, few films have as much to say about love, how we remember it and truly feel about it, than Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind does. How easy would it be for you to erase the memory of a relationship gone sour? To completely wipe out any remnants of someone you loved from your brain. It may seem like the sure path to a happier life free from painful memory, but i's never as simple as all that.

Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet are in top form(especially Carrey, who should've won a friggin' Oscar) Joel and Clementine, two very different people who have seen their once loving relationship turn to dust. Overcome with grief, Joel undergoes a dicey procedure to have his memories of her completely erased. However in the midst of it he comes to a realization, stirring not just in a brain but deep in his soul, that to forget this woman who has been such a huge part of his life would change him profoundly.

Charlie Kauffman and director Michel Gondry cooked up the story, I'm assuming while they were high on peyote and watching old tired romance movies. Whatever it was that sparked it, what they came up with as a masterpiece and one of the truest movies about love you'll ever see. I dare you not to cry during the "Meet me in Montauk" scene.


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