Sunday, June 5, 2011

Trailer Time: The Vow, starring Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams

Although the idea may seem sappy as all get out, The Vow is actually based on a true story. Very loosely, I'm sure. The film stars Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams as a recently married couple who get in a car accident. The result is that she no longer has any memory of her recent past, and thus has forgotten Tatum's character altogether. So the story is him basically trying to get his wife to fall in love with him again. Awwww...

The director was Michael Sucsy, who is probably best known for the Drew Barrymore/Jessica Lange HBO flick, Grey Gardens. That film won a ton of critical acclaim and awards back in 2009, but I have a feeling The Vow will be remembered only by those same folks who thought Tatum was fabulous in Dear John. Meaning young girls and cougars. Check out the trailer for yourself below...

Not gonna lie, I like the bit where they get hitched in the museum. After that, this looks like pretty standard stuff and far beneath what I expect from Rachel McAdams at this point. The Notebook was years ago. Stop trying to relive it. In case you missed it, this badboy comes out on Valentine's Day. I'm sure your girlfriends already have the date synced into your calendar.


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