Monday, September 5, 2011

Trailer Time:The Human Centipede II, directed by Tom Six

I'll say this for Tom Six, the guy knows how to market his stuff, and no other film caused quite the visceral reaction from folks the way The Human Centipede did back in 2009. I know a few of my colleagues who were noticably shaken by it, and me being a guy who tends to not be into horrors that much, their reaction kept me from seeing it until late last year.

For those that somehow don't know, The Human Centipede dealt with a sadistic surgeon who kidnaps three folks and uses them in a twisted experiment, linking them together head to ass to form a literal human centipede. Why? To become his disgusting little pet. Tom Six loved congratulating himself over the "medical accuracy" of the surgical procedure, and used this claim as a major part of the film's marketing. As for the film itself, I thought the reaction to it was overblown. It's disgusting, yes, but the effect quickly wears off and the story devolves into silliness. The sequel looks to be no different, with the only claim to fame from Six being that now there'll be a 12 human chain instead of 3. >yawn<

So here we are with the first official trailer for The Human Centipede II(Full Sequence), and it again shows Six's genius at hyping his gross out flick. It deals primarily with the horrified reactions people had to the original, with promises of even more stomach churning goodness this time around. Ok, the baby crying at the end? Totally disgusting and creepy as all hell. The film will be released here in the States on October 7th, but for now just check out the trailer below...


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