Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A dark and stormy new poster for Tim Burton's 'Frankenweenie' has been revealed!

After the last few years spent having his creativity restrained by adaptations of others' work, Tim Burton is finally back to putting his considerable imagination to work again with the release of Frankenweenie, the heartwarming tale of a boy and his loyal dog. Ok, heartwarming may not be the right word for it, but it's charming in a demented Tim Burton sorta way.

Disney has released the first official poster for the stop motion animated film, which follows young genius Victor Frankenstein. When Sparky, his beloved dog is tragically killed, Victor uses the power of science(and some spare parts) to bring the pooch back to life.  Winona Ryder, Martin Landau, Martin Short, Charlie Tahan, and Catherine O'Hara lend their voices to the film, due to hit theaters on October 5th!

If you're interested in Burton's 1984 short that inspired the film, you can check it out below....


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