Thursday, February 23, 2012

Idris Elba to play Nelson Mandela in autobiographical 'Long Walk to Freedom'

Ok, so maybe Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance wasn't the best use of Idris Elba's considerable acting talents. He still made his role as a gun toting, wine swilling warrior monk the best in the film by far, duking it out with Nic Cage for scene chewing supremacy. Elba has come a long way, with the suave Brit actor going from his breakout in The Wire to leading man status in record time. If further proof of his arrival is needed, all one has to do is take a look at his next starring role, in which he'll play one of the most inspirational figures in history.

While talking up Ghost Rider with Hiphollywood (via ThePlaylist), Elba revealed that he'll be playing Nelson Mandela in an upcoming adaptation of his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom. Published in 1995, the story follows Mandela's early life, education, rise to prominence, and nearly three decades spent in prison for fighting against apartheid. Tom Hooper(The King's Speech) had been planning on directing the film at one point, but it's unclear whether that's still the case. Elba stated he's getting his head ready for it to begin this summer.

This is a pretty big move, and Elba should make for an interesting younger version of Mandela, and a clear departure from Morgan Freeman's portrayal of him in 2009's Invictus.  Elba only has one other film slated to open this year when Prometheus hits theaters on June 8th.


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