Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Jump back in time with the new 'Men in Black III' poster!

What the hell is going on with Will Smith's face in this new Men in Black III poster? He looks weird, and he's got the jowls of an old James Earl Jones.  Actually, he looks eerily similar to Josh Brolin, pictured behind him on the left. Maybe it's bad photoshopping, but whatever the case I hope the movie is better than the piss poor job done by the art team on some of these one-sheets.

Despite nobody really clamoring for it, Men in Black III will hit theaters on May 25th. The time hopping tale has Agent J(Smith) traveling back to save Agent K(Tommy Lee Jones) from a villainous threat. Along the way, J will team up with a younger version of Agent K(Brolin), and discover long held secrets about the agency and the universe. 


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