Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New photos from 'The Avengers' show the team doing nothing basically

Last night I did a fair amount of complaining about the still photos Marvel keeps releasing for The Avengers. The reason is that they tend to be images of such cool superheroes as Iron Man(Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America(Chris Evans), and Thor(Chris Hemsworth) standing around their HQ staring at computer monitors. What's the point of showing us that? All it really accomplishes is giving us a look at how bad Cap's costume looks. This is a film that looks way better when seen in TV spots and trailers.

What set me off was the latest couple of photos, one from Empire Magazine(via Comicbookmovie), the other courtesy of HeyUGuys, which show Thor and Agent Coulson(Clark Gregg)...yep, staring at a computer screen. The other features Captain America and his crappy suit, Black Widow(Scarlett Johansson), and Hawkeye(Jeremy Renner) going to get some Chinese take out. I don't know that for certain but you can't prove me wrong, can you?

The Avengers will hopefully be far more action packed than Marvel would have us believe when it opens on May 4th.


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