Saturday, February 18, 2012

'Galaxy Quest' director to helm 'Red' sequel

By Grabthar's hammer! It's been a long time since we've heard anything from Dean Parisot, the director of the awesome sci-fi spoof, Galaxy Quest. In the time since he helmed that Star Trek riffing comedy classic, the film has only grown in stature, even if Parisot isn't really remembered for it.  He didn't do himself any favors by following it up with the lousy Jim Carrey vehicle, Fun with Dick and Jane. Since then, Parisot hasn't done much, but appears to be ready to jump back in the game in a big way.

Just a couple of days ago, producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura gave us a quick update on the sequel to Red, the action comedy starring Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, and Morgan Freeman as retired CIA agents on the attack against their former bosses. He said then that Robert Schwentke wouldn't be returning to direct, as he's probably too busy right now with R.I.P.D.  Parisot appears to be the man to replace him, with THR reporting he's beat out a number of other contenders for the job.  The entire cast is expected to return, although if you saw the film that seems impossible, but no deals have been signed for anybody yet.

Production is slated to begin in the fall, which should give Willis enough time to shoot Die Hard 5. Red 2 is expected to hit theaters on August 2nd 2013. 'Dick and Jane' is an awful movie, but Galaxy Quest is a classic and Parisot's debut, Home Fries had some charming qualities. I hope this means we'll be getting more from him in the future.


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