Thursday, February 23, 2012

Trailer Time: 'Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope', directed by Morgan Spurlock

Nerd alert! Nerd alert! Your women are safe, but please keep all copies of Uncanny X-men #266 under locked glass! San Diego Comic-Con is like the holy mecca for nerds of all stripes. As someone who has been reading comic books for nearly three decades now, I remember when the annual event started. Back then it was basically a few hundred hardcore geeks, gushing about how cool Jim Lee's version of Wolverine was, or if things got seriously nerdy an argument over whether the Hulk could kick Superman's ass(he can). But then it just sortof exploded, and Comic-Con became the place for pop culture media of all types. It's now where practically every franchise film gets it's grand unveiling. Television, novels, anime, toy collectibles, and my personal favorite, hot cosplay chicks like this....

I've never loved the Baroness so much in my life. Morgan Spurlock, the acclaimed documentary filmmaker behind Super Size Me and last year's The Greatest Movie Ever Sold, took his show to the event for his latest project, Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope. In it, he not only explores how Comic-Con has grown over the years, but also gets some insider insights from some celebrity buddies. Eli Roth, Seth Rogen, Kevin Smith, and more share some of their wildest experiences with the unique folks who attend Comic-Con every single year.  Exec produced by Joss Whedon and Stan "The Man" Lee, the film will open on April 6th 2012. Check out the trailer below....


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