Besides the horrible title, I'm looking forward to Rob Zombie's Halloween sequel H2. I am a huge fan of Carpenter's original and was pleasently suprised how well Zombie's reboot turned out. I was one of the few people who really thought that the story benefited from the extensive background given to Myer's instead of just leaving him shrowded in mystery, but that's the way I am. When I become a fan of something I like to know every little bit about it. For anyone that didn't know shooting is underway for the sequel which is due out later this year, the storyline is set to follow immediatley after the close of the last film much the way of the original sequel. I do not know if it is a direct remake of the original sequel or not, that much remains to be seen (Man all this remake, sequel and remake of a sequel is getting confusing!). Anyway here is the first pic of masked Myers on set from the new flick. I like the look it goes with the grungy motif that is Rob Zombie films, however don't get too attached as word is that Myer's spends much of the movie unmasked.