It seems that this is no April Fool's joke, sometime last night a full workprint copy of XMen Origins: Wolverine leaked on the net. Within hours of it's release some thousands of copies have allready been downloaded from all over. The print is apparently of perfect DVD quality, although being a workprint of the film it is missing most of the FX and CGI as well as the much touted reshoots from earlier this year. Could this be catastrophic for the film? Many people are saying "No, it's not a finished copy so any bad reviews or word is null and void to the finished product". While logically this is true, practically it is not. Let's face it we jump to conclusions and maintain our initial impressions of something regardless of the truth. This can be seen anywhere you look, especially with the success of celebrity rumor mills and movie blogs all over. We don't care as a people what the real case is, only what we heard and can talk about. So if people start coming out saying that Wolverine is horrible, or simply not great then that is what's going to stay with people, not what quality the finished film is. I don't think the piracy itself will hurt the opening box office too bad since most who will risk downloading it are in the primary demo and will see the flick on the big screen regardless. So what do you guys think? Could this kill Fox's opening blockbuster for the summer season?
NOTE: I wouldn't recommend downloading this flick. Not only will you get a subpar product and ruin your enjoyment for the big screen version, but this is undoubtedly being traced by everything that Fox has in it's arsenal. So while your chances of getting caught with bootlegged downloads is usually slim, it will be significantly higher on this one...trust me.