Monday, August 24, 2009

A Return to Hell? McFarlane Begins Work on new Spawn Film!

Back in 1997, comic book icon/hockey enthusiastic/part-time douche Todd McFarlane joined up with New Line Cinema to produce a big screen version of his once popular Spawn comic book. Spawn was the story of a solder who is murdered, but is recruited by by the devil to become an agent of Hell. The film starred Michael Jai White, and was pretty successful, grossing an estimated $87M. But it should've been more successful, however the studio crapped the bed on the rating, giving it a weak PG-13 which neutered the film's strength and appealed to pretty much nobody.

Now 12 years later, Spawn is experiencing something of a resurgence in popularity, and McFarlane is finally read to do the Hellspawn's story right, according to He says...

"The story has been in my head for 7 or 8 years," McFarlane said. "The movie idea is neither a recap or continuation. It is a standalone story that will be R-rated. Creepy and scary."

He then goes on to add that the film will be for adult audiences.."like The Departed". The Departed? That's an odd film to compare it to, but whatever. I've been hoping that McFarlane would get around to doing another Spawn that was more in line with the graphic nature of the comic. The HBO cartoon from a few years ago captured the mood and the gorey aspects perfectly, so I know it can be done. This is a project I will definitely be keeping an eye on.