Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New Trailer for The Karate Kid!

I waited a day to put this up because part of me expected it to get taken down, but apparently it's still around and kickin' so here ya go. I've been less than enthusiastic about the remake of The Karate Kid since the news first broke, and my opinion hasn't really changed all that much. I wish they had stuck with the name, The Kung Fu Kid, in order to get some distance from the orginal. Jaden Smith, in my opinion, not so much on  that acting thing. He reminds me too much of when Bow Wow first started acting, and frankly I can't stand Jackie Chan doing these types of roles. 

The trailer pretty much confirms my suspicions, that it'll be a bland remake without any of the heart of the 1984 original. Jackie Chan already appears to be phoning it in, but at least they can lure people in with some catchy hip hop tracks we've seen in a handful of other trailers already this year(Fighting just being one). Personally, if Cobra-Kai ain't there, I'm not interested. I'm fully down on this one, but maybe you'll see something I'm missing. Check out the trailer and let us know what you think!


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