Let's get this out in the open: I'm a whore for pretty much any film Rian Johnson makes. I know that reads pretty badly, but it's true. And if you think that's bad, I feel the same way about Joseph Gordon-Leavitt. The two collaborated on my favorite film of 2006, the hard boiled teen detective film, Brick. Johnson then went on to helm last year's The Brothers Bloom
So hearing that these two could be reuniting again has me all sorts of excited. Heatvision is reporting that JGL is in talks to star in Johnson's violent sci-fi flick, Looper. The film's plot seems to be a point of confusion to most media outlets. Some describe it as a futuristic world where operatives are sent back in time to kill criminals. Rian Johnson himself says that hitmen in the present are sent their victims from the future. It's all a bit odd. What we do know is that JGL would be playing a man sent back in time to kill himself.
It's described as being part-The Terminator
I don't really care what it's about. It's sci-fi, it's Rian Johnson, it's Joseph Gordon-Leavitt. Consider me in.
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