Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rumor Mill: Is TV's Chuck the New Man of Steel?

Part of the fun of doing this everyday is seeing the wild rumors that fly out of people's butts. Sure I go out of my way to write about the really egregious ones. Such as this, with Geektyrant reporting on a couple of reboot tidbits. First, an old chestnut that's been out there forever, as they site an inside source at Warner Brothers who says that Christopher Nolan's brother, Jonathan, will be directing the film. Jonathan did in fact write the script, but if true this would be his directorial debut. Supposedly the entire reason Christopher became producer was to get his brother the gig.

I don't buy it for a second.  WB isn't handing over one of their biggest franchises to a 1st timer, no matter who they shared a bunk with back in the day. A few days ago it was reported that Chris Columbus had been offered the gig, but that rumor turned out to be false.

The second rumor is probably more believable, but also the least likely to have any real impact. With auditions underway, one of the names on the list of those who've already tried out is Zachary Levi, who some will recognize from NBC's spy comedy Chuck. No word on what role he tried out for but I'm guessing it's not Jor-El.  The obvious choice would be as Clark Kent. 

Two words as to why this has no chance of ever happening: Brandon. Routh.  Warner Brothers isnt going to go with another nameless face in the crowd for Superman. They did that once already. And before you Chuck fans jump down my throat, I'm sorry but Levi is an unknown to most folks. Chuck is a popular film amongst a certain circle, but as its mediocre ratings show there are a ton of people who pay it no mind. There's no tougher role to cast in any film than that of Superman, and you can bet WB isn't going to rush into it. I don't expect to know who'll be donning the red & blue for quite some time, maybe not even until next year's Comic-Con.

Besides, he would make a better Jimmy Olsen.


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