Monday, January 24, 2011

James Cameron reveals more Avatar sequel details

Briefly, because I'm on my way out the door to see The Mechanic...

James Cameron has revealed more details about the upcoming sequels to the highest grossing film ever, Avatar, which we know will be the very next projects he works on. It was assumed that both flicks would be shot back-to-back, and released somewhere around 2014. Speaking with Entertainment Weekly, the King of the World basically confirmed that and revealed a bit more about the fate of some of his cast...

Cameron: I am in the process of writing the next two Avatar films now. We are planning to shoot them together and post them together, and we will probably release them not quite back to back, but about a year apart. Christmas ’14 and ’15 is the current plan.

So expect the Avatar blitz to hit right around the holiday season, just in time for you to buy that special someone their own personal Sam Worthington action figure, complete with single facial expression.

And about the cast? Who's coming back, exactly?

Cameron: Basically, if you survived the first film, you get to be in the second film, at least in some form… [And] Fox has partnered with me to donate a chunk of the profits to environmental causes that are at the heart of the Avatar world. I didn’t want to make more Avatar movies without a grander plan in place.

Well that doesn't bode well for Sigourney Weaver, does it?  Then again, all Cameron  needs to decide is that her character didn't really die in the first film, and then she could come back. Or she'll be back in flashback as part of some giant tree or something.


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