Monday, January 24, 2011

Those new Matrix sequels? They were all just a dream....

Ok, so that huge story from yesterday about Keanu Reeves and the Wachowskis talkin' about re-teaming for a new pair of sequels to The Matrix? Turns out they were in fact tricks fabricated by the matrix to keep us poor movie news junkies in our place.  At least according to Entertainment Weekly, who state that Keanu's rep flatly denied it.

I guess that encompasses the futuristic Robin Hood flick, as well.  That one is still a verifiable commodity, so if Warner Brothers hasn't bought it yet, there's still a good chance of it getting picked up.

Funny thing is now that the Matrix rumor is out there and people have gotten into a lather about it, don't you think that shows people really want to see another movie with Neo and the gang? I think it does, and wouldn't be surprised if we see something come out of all this.


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