Monday, March 21, 2011

Matt Reeves promises a Cloverfield sequel, just doesn't "know when"

I feel like Matt Reeves' Cloverfield has become the target for some unwarranted criticism over the last few years. Sure it kicked the "shaky cam"  genre to a whole other level, but if you were able to keep your food down it was a very enjoyable monster chase film. That was way back in January of 2008 when it came out, and before the month was over Reeves was already talking about a sequel. Since then we've heard very little concrete about the film. There was some early gossip that JJ Abrams' Super 8 was in fact a Cloverfield sequel, but that was quickly debunked.

Now in a recent conversation with Total Film, Reeves reiterated his desire to shoot a sequel to the disaster film, but doesn't seem to have a clue when that might be...

Reeves: "Well, you are going to see it – we just don’t know when [laughs]. At the moment we are talking about the story quite a lot. Drew Goddard, who wrote the original, is going to pen the sequel and JJ Abrams is very much involved. However, the three of us have been so busy that getting the right idea together has been taking a long time."

Goddard is busy right now hammering out Steven Spielberg's Robopocalypse, while Abrams has his hands in a number of different jar, foremost being Mission: Impossible- Ghost Protocol.

The big question is what Reeves and the rest of the crew at Bad Robot can do to make it unique. I expect the real-time, handheld cam technique to stay but with a few tweaks. Would it be the same monsters? Or another disaster altogether?


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