Wednesday, May 11, 2011

30 Day Film Challenge Day 2: Your Least Favorite Film

Tough call. Nacho Libre, Cool World, The Sweetest Thing, they all forced me to leave the theater a bit early out of disgust or boredom. But no film has rankled me over the years more than Roland Emmerich's cinematic disaster, The Day After Tomorrow, which requires you to have had a frontal lobotomy to enjoy. I could give a crap less about the scientific accuracy of it all. Nobody goes to a movie like this for facts and figures. But when I saw Jake Gyllenballs being chased down a hallway by an angry cold breeze, it was impossible for me not to shoot root beer out of my nose with laughter. Terrible movie.

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1 comment:

  1. My all-time last favorite film is "Hollow Man." I still can't believe Kevin Bacon made that crap.
