Monday, May 9, 2011

Will Smith sorta helps Sony Pictures secure foreign rights to Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained

So normally I would never post about a studio securing foreign distribution rights to any film, but this one is special. Why? Well it was over Quentin Tarantino's big spaghetti Western, Django Unchained, for which he's been feverishly working to court Will Smith into starring in. Deadline reports that despite the best efforts(and prop gimmicks) of Universal, Sony Pictures won the day. 

Why is this a big deal? Simple. Will Smith has a very cozy relationship with Sony, with the studio having worked with him on practically every movie he's ever done. Universal made a big push for the rights, seeing as how much success they gained by repping Inglourious Basterds. Reports are that they came to the meeting with employees dressed in t-shirts with the languages of all the managing directors, and they even presented Tarantino with a bag full of Nazi scalps! Not real ones. At least I don't think they were...? But it wasn't good enough, Tarantino is so pressed to have Smith come aboard that there was no way Sony wouldn't win out.

Smith is said to be "pondering" the script right now, and I remain confident that he won't take the gig. Even though he hasn't done a film in a few years(although he has Men in Black 3 on the way), Smith knows his bread is buttered by keeping his family friendly reputation. Would he be willing to throw that away in a film that will require him to kill a number of folks and cuss like twin sailors? I don't think so. Combine that with the need to cut his typical massive salary, and the fact that he likely won't be able to have input on the script and I think we've got a recipe for a denial. 

Now the only question I have is how far Tarantino will go to get Smith aboard? As long as he doesn't force in a dance off between Jaden and Willow to the tune of Full Force's Ain't My Type of Hype then I guess it's ok he's working so hard to get the actor he wants. Obviously he sees something in the Fresh Prince that I don't.


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