Monday, July 18, 2011

Kevin Costner in talks for Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained

We can debate all we want about just how controversial Quentin Tarantino's racially charged western, Django Unchained, will be. But to me the far more interesting aspect of it is who's saddling up to be a part of it. The latest addition to the cast appears to be Kevin Costner, according to Deadline.

The veteran former A-list actor will be taking a turn for the villainous as Ace Woody, the brutal right hand man and Mandingo trainer for Leonardo Dicaprio's character. Talk about a change of pace, Costner will be playing the eternally good hearted Pa Kent in Man of Steel.

Jamie Foxx has claimed the title role, a freed slave who teams up with a German bounty hunter(Christoph Waltz) to get revenge on Calvin Candie, the evil club and ranch owner played by DiCaprio. Samuel L. Jackson will play Candie's head slave, while it appears a new face may be in line for Django's wife. Kerry Washington had been rumored for the part a couple of weeks ago.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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