Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New image from The Adventures of Tintin

It's a big year for Steven Spielberg. Well, it might be. Could turn out to be disastrous, as he's got two highly visible, highly suspect(box office-wise) projects coming up at the end of the year. One is War Horse, his horse on a quest film. The other is The Adventures of Tintin, which he's putting together along with Peter Jackson. The first trailer we saw was gorgeous, but it also went out of it's way to hide everybody's faces. Considering the film is done using a version of "performance capture", the same mostly failed technique championed by Robert Zemeckis, the blowback was immediate. Will this film suffer from the same "dead eyes" syndrome that plagued Zemeckis's films? A new photo released today finally gives us a somewhat clear look at Tintin's mug, and....well, the jury's still out. Really need to see it in action, I think.
The Adventures of Tintin will open on December 23rd!


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