Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Trailer Time: New Year's Eve, starring everybody who ever lived

Another reason to stay in your New Year's Eve funk. Spinning off kinda from last year's vapid holiday rom-com, Valentine's Day, comes Garry Marshall's latest A-list jam of beautiful people looking for love on the last day of the year. If that sounds like every other new year's eve movie you've ever seen, well check out the trailer and you....well, you won't be surprised in the least.

Don't let the crossover from Valentine's Day fool you. Even though some of that film's stars return for this, they aren't playing the same characters. Sorry, all of you hoping for more of Ashton Kutcher's earnest flower shop owner.

This has formula written all over it, which isn't always a bad thing. But I'm betting it will be this time. There are simply too many stars for me to possibly list them all, so just check out the cast here.

New Year's Eve doesn't even have the decency to come out that weekend, settling for December 9th!


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