Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Michael Gracey to direct Disney's Snow White film, now titled The Order of the Seven

It might seem like there are only two competing Snow White films to concern ourselves with: Relativity's Snow White and the Huntsman, and Universal's Tarsem Singh directed movie formerly titled The Brother Grimm: Snow White. But Walt Disney has actually had one in the works for longer, at one time with Francis Lawrence(Water for Elephants) set to direct.  But things have changed over the years. Lawrence is gone, and Michael Arndt(Toy Story 3) providing a brand new script. Now THR reports that Disney has found a new man to helm the modernized fairy tale, with well known commercials director Michael Gracey brought on to lead what is now being called The Order of the Seven

Even though Order isn't even close to being as ready as the other two Snow White films, Disney may have a serious leg up on originality. As you can probably tell by the title, this version is set in China and will focus heavily on the dwarfs themselves, who are international warriors belonging to a centuries old order that has lost their way.  They meet an english woman being pursued by an ancient evil, which leads to their ultimate redemption. Sounds pretty damn sweet. THR also notes that each warrior will have a unique fighting style. How is this related to Snow White in any way? Sounds more like the Brothers Grimm version of Street Fighter.

Production could begin as soon as next year once Gracey's deal is done and storyboarding begins.


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