Monday, November 7, 2011

'Skyfall' is officially the next Bond film.

How much can you tell about a Bond movie from it's title? Dr. No, sounds mysterious and vaugely cool. Moonraker sounds like the tale of a futuristic groundskeeper, but ends up being the name of a space laser and who doesn't love space laser's! Octopussy, yeah...too easy. Long story short the title really means nothing especially considering the made up mashed up words that have served as titles for previous Bond stories. That being said it is the above pictured logo and not the cool sounding title of Skyfall that have me double O'ing about the film which started shooting last Thursday. It's not much to go on but it looks like they took the time to make it incite thoughts of the not-so-suave "bash your head in with a toilet seat" Bond that Daniel Craig first brought us in Casino Royale. More on the film, which is now shooting, after the break.

This is what we know (Thanks to /Film):

Skyfall First day of shoot press conference.

-Sam Mendes (American  Beauty, The Road to Perdition, Revolutionary Road) is directing. Not sure what to think on this...I'll let Travis chime in more on Mendes being able to helm a Bond movie.

-The villain is being played by Javier Bardem. I can't think of a single actor out there who is more perfectly fit to play a Bond villain than Bardem. Watch No Country for Old Men, then Vicky Christina Barcelona, next his performance in Beautiful and you have the perfect evil mastermind....a violent yet debonair person who will do anything for what/who he/she loves.

- Judi Dench is returning as 'M', can't imagine it without her.

- Finally a very short plot outline from the official Twitter account:
“Bond’s loyalty to M is tested as her past comes back to haunt her. As MI6 comes under attack, 007 must track down and destroy the treat, no matter how personal the cost.”

I'm loving that plot! The chemistry between M and Bond was amazing in Royale with her very vocal questioning of his 00 readiness while clearly showing a liking of his tactics and personality. Now he gets to return the favor and defend the person who gave him his shot. Also, it sounds like this won't be the standard Bond formula (Random open>Establish Villain and Threat>Gadget Rundown>Mission>Suprise Secondary Mission/Plot twist>Credits), but will be more of what made Bond the legend he is.

More on this as we have it. Expect regular updates as they are now in production.

Skyfall debuts in U.K. theaters on October 26, 2012. We Yanks have to wait a few weeks as the U.S. release sits currently as November 9, 2012.


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