Monday, November 7, 2011

Holy Picdump Batman! Spoilery pictures from 'The Dark Knight Rises'

All that the title indicates AND Anne Hathaway. Take a look at the pics after the jump while I resist the urge to include a line about how Anne's looking purrrrfect in the role of Selina 'Catwoman' Kyle.

Thanks to Egotastic we have a ton of great HQ pics from what I would guess is Bane V Batman 1, some are new some you've seen before but now they're, hi res and stuff. Since the climax fights are usually at night I'm guessing this goes something like Bane causes trouble, Batman drops in to save the day but starts getting his ass handed to him so in rides Cat-woman on the Bat-cycle...just my guess. Also really wondering what the deal is with the tumbler out on the street in camo....kinda gives the Batmobile's origin away. We shall see but until then take a look at these pics and mercifully endure my witless captions!

"He's jokin' with the voice right?"

Not sure how I used to think she wasn't smokin' hot

Just me or does this thing look like the aliens from Spaced Invaders with camo and wheels?

"Hmm...which gargoyle to perch on later...."

Insert some joke about stairs and ED-209....pray anyone gets it.

Probably not a good profile pic for your LinkedIn account...

Not the most intimidating pose.

I'm guessing this is Hathaway's stuntwoman...but does anyone else think she resembles Katie Holmes? No costume department required!

I'm just waiting for the Power-Zord to form

Jesse Ventura: "Ohhh that's gotta be illegal Mean Gene!"

More gargoyle perch searching

Domo Arrigato Mr. Roboto Batman....wasn't this guy trained by ninja's?


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